Gillian Buckley Yoga & Wellness
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yoga teacher in yoga studio

How to Get Hired by Yoga Studios

While there are lots of places to teach yoga that aren’t studios, most teachers aspire to, at least at some point in their careers, teach at a yoga studio. I get asked pretty regularly how to get into a studio and appear on the schedule. While there are no tried and true methods for getting in (I was once hired by a studio through Kijiji), here’s the advice that I give to teachers looking to make a yoga studio their hOMe.

1. Get experience.

Besides looking at where you studied and the quality of your teacher training, most studio owners and managers will look to see where you have taught previously because they want to make sure you will have confidence on your mat. Remember, the experience doesn’t necessarily have to have been paid: it could be volunteer work, karma classes and community events. Box gyms are also a great place to get experience teaching. Teach as much as you can and develop sequences that you know work well and that you feel comfortable teaching.

2. Be professional.

Good spelling and grammar can go a long way in an introductory email. Make everything as easy as possible for the individual hiring: have a bio on hand (check out the studio’s other instructors’ bios for ideas) and have a nice photo ready. The photo doesn’t have to be professional, but it should be high resolution and show your face. Opportunities can often come up quickly: be prepared!

3. Get involved!

Attend classes at the studio, participate in challenges and go to events. Even though yoga is an individual practice, yoga studios are all about community. Allow the instructors and students to get to know you—everyone like practicing with a familiar face.

4. Support the studio online.

Like, share, and comment on posts. When you attend a class, check in or include it on your instastory. Most yoga studios expect (or at least appreciate) their instructors to market their classes to their community. Show the person doing the hiring that you are online savvy and will do what you can to get students in your classes.

Teaching at a studio is not the be all and end all: there are (often more lucrative) opportunities outside of the studio space. Regardless of where you teach, make sure it is someplace where your work is appreciated by both the students and the management. If you are in doubt about an opportunity, here is a list of my red flags

I’d love to hear from you. Did I leave anything off of my list? What is your best piece of advice for getting onto a studio schedule?

Hi, I'm Gillian.

I’m obsessed with helping women live their best lives. Together we'll use yoga and mindfulness to build confidence, reach goals and have some fun!

Let's do this!

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About the Author Gillian Buckley

When she's not teaching yoga classes or wellness workshops, Gillian can be found doing boot camp in the park, spending time with her kids or developing her latest and greatest kombucha flavour.
