Gillian Buckley Yoga & Wellness
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Tag Archives for " yoga teacher training "

Business Mistakes New Yoga Teachers Make

Most of us don’t begin a career as a yoga instructor for the income; we have a genuine love for the practice and hope to share it with others. But for an industry that claims it is filled with love and positive vibes, it can be a very competitive space where it is difficult to […]

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How My Yoga Teaching Changed in 2020

It’s natural that an instructor’s teaching and practice change over the course of their career. And while there’s a lot of negative things that can be said about 2020, the turmoil of the last twelve months has led to what I feel is exponential growth in my teaching and in my yoga practice. I feel […]

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yoga teacher in yoga studio

How to Get Hired by Yoga Studios

While there are lots of places to teach yoga that aren’t studios, most teachers aspire to, at least at some point in their careers, teach at a yoga studio. I get asked pretty regularly how to get into a studio and appear on the schedule. While there are no tried and true methods for getting […]

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The Dos and Don’ts of Practicing Yoga While Pregnant

I taught A LOT when I was pregnant. In fact, I taught way more than I teach now. My classes were popular with all kinds of students with only a handful of prenatal mamas sprinkled in here and there. And guess what? Every class that I taught during that time could be considered “prenatal.” Except […]

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